Document Library

194 listed

WFP Evaluation Policy 2022

Mar 2022

This updated WFP evaluation policy responds to changes in circumstances since the last evaluation policy was approved, to ensure that WFP profits from a well-balanced, utility-focused evaluation function that supports a culture of accountability and learning. ...

Tag: Evaluation function Policy

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Peer Review of the Evaluation Function at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

Aug 2021

This Peer Review of UNHCR’s evaluation function was conducted under the provisions contained in the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) Framework for Professional Peer Reviews of the Evaluation Function of UN system organizations and the OECD DAC. It...

Tag: Peer Reviews

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Professional Peer Review of the UNITAR Evaluation Function

Sep 2021

Upon request, UNEG conducted a professional Peer Review of the evaluation function of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) between June to September 2021. The specific objective of the Peer Review is to provide insights that can be used ...

Tag: Peer Reviews

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UNEG/ OECD Peer Review of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Evaluation Function

Oct 2021

This Peer Review of IOM’s evaluation function was conducted under the provisions contained in the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) Framework for Professional Peer Reviews of the Evaluation Function of UN organizations and the OECD DAC. It is the first ...

Tag: Capacity development Evaluation function Peer Reviews

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Guidelines for the Evaluation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework

Sep 2021

The United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (CF) forms the centre piece of UN reform and represents the collective response of the UN to help countries address national priorities and challenges in achieving the 2030 Agenda. It sees a shift of...

Tag: Guidance UN Reform

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Evaluability Assessment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF)

Sep 2020

In line with the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) Standard 4.22, this evaluability assessment (EA) serves as an initial step to increase the likelihood an evaluation will provide timely and credible information for decision-making3. The Evaluability Ass...


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Peer Review of the Evaluation Function at the World Food Programme

Jun 2021

This peer review of the evaluation function at WFP was carried out in accordance with the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) Framework for Professional Peer Reviews of the Evaluation Function of United Nations organizations and the Development Assistance Commi...

Tag: Peer Reviews

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UNEG Partnership Strategy 2021

Jun 2021

The UNEG Partnership Strategy 2021 is an update of the first UNEG Partnership Strategy (2018) was prepared by the UNEG Partnerships Working Group under Strategic Objective 4 of the Capacity development Professionalisation Programme of Work UNEG Strategy

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Evidence Summary on COVID-19 and Food Security

Mar 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has worsened an already fragile global food insecurity situation. In fact, alongside factors such as conflict, economic crises and climate change, in 2020, COVID-19 let to an additional 130 million people being chronically undernourish...


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Stock-Taking Exercise on Policies and Guidance of UN Agencies in Support of Evaluation of Social and Environmental Considerations (Main Report and Annex)

Feb 2021

This stock-taking exercise is the first step towards developing UNEG system-wide guidance on incorporating environmental and social considerations into all evaluations.  It looks at the extent to which UN agencies reflect environmental and social consideratio...

Tag: Guidance Policy

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Compendium of Evaluation Methods Reviewed (Volume 1)

Dec 2020

Choosing appropriate approaches and methods are pre-requisites for credible, independent and useful evaluation exercises in the United Nations. The Compendium of Evaluation Methods Reviewed is a guidance document resulting from discussions among members ...

Tag: Approaches and Methods Programme of Work

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Evaluation Use in Practice

Jan 2020

This paper constitutes the continued effort of UNEG to promote the use of evaluation. Four dimensions serve for the analysis of practices about the use of evaluation in UN agencies. The dimensions are as follows: i) in the first place, ways to maximise the relevan...

Tag: Approaches and Methods Programme of Work

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Lessons Learned Paper #1 - Quality assurance of decentralized evaluations

Aug 2020

In 2020, the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) Interest Group on Decentralized Evaluations started documenting key lessons on specific topics drawing from its webinars with the view to facilitate the dissemination of key lessons among UNEG members and the wid...

Tag: Decentralised Evaluation

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UNEG Ethical Guidelines for Evaluation

Jun 2020

The UNEG Ethical Guidelines for Evaluation were first published in 2008. This document is a revision of the original document and was approved at the UNEG AGM 2020. These revised guidelines are con...

Tag: Guidance

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Third Professional Peer Review of the Independent Evaluation Function of the Global Environment Facility 2019

Apr 2020

Executive Summary
1. The evaluation function in the Global Environment Facility (GEF) helps the GEF to become more effective in its pursuit of Global Environmental Benefits (GEBs) and has two overarching objectives:
a. Promot...

Tag: Peer Reviews

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Final draft report of the external peer review of the evaluation function at IFAD

Sep 2019

This report presents the findings of an independent External Peer Review (EPR) of the evaluation function of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), initiated by the Independent Office of Evaluation (IOE) and authorised by the Executi...

Tag: Peer Reviews

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Professional Peer Review of the ICAO Evaluation Function

Jun 2020

This Professional Peer Review of the evaluation function of ICAO was carried out under the provisions contained in the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) Framework for Professional Peer Reviews of the Evaluation Function of UN organizations.Peer Reviews

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Implications of COVID-19 on evaluations in ILO

Apr 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused us to re-think how we conduct our work as an evaluation function in order to maintain activities to the extent possible without taking unnecessary risks. In this effort, the Evaluation Office released an operating procedure on 20 M...


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UNEG Programme of Work 2019-2020

Feb 2020

This document presents UNEG’s Programme of Work for 2019-2020. Agreed deliverables will be presented at the UNEG AGM 2020 (Paris, France, June 2020). 

It reflects the leadership of the UNEG Executive Steering Committee and, more important...

Tag: Programme of Work

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