Vacancy Announcement Details

Short-Term Consultant for Review of the GEF Information Portal

26 Mar 2020



To prepare OPS7, the GEF IEO will draw from the evaluations that it has conducted, and from several targeted reviews to gather additional evidence. This includes an evaluation of the Results Based Management approach of the GEF, with particular focus on the new project management and information portal (the GEF Portal).

The GEF portal – including its earlier incarnation as PMIS – provides a platform to store, manage and retrieve data on GEF projects and program. This includes data related to project appraisal, implementation, performance and results, that may be aggregated. The quality of PMIS data and its accessibility have been longstanding concerns that have been reported in several evaluations. During GEF-7, GEF shifted to a new platform – the GEF Portal – to manage data on its activities and make it accessible to a wide range of GEF partners and other stakeholders. The roll out of the Portal is still ongoing and it is yet to achieve its full functionality.

The evaluation will assess the performance of the GEF portal to assess the improvement over the previous PMIS system and evaluate whether the portal meets good practice standards for project information compared with other systems of project information used in multilateral organizations and partnerships, meeting the project information and quality requirements  of internal stakeholders within the GEF partnership including the GEF Secretariat, the Agencies, GEF IEO, the Council, and Operational Focal Points, as well as for external stakeholders as part of the disclosure policy. The evaluation will also identify the factors that affect the functionality of the Portal.  The evaluation will also assess the extent to which the GEF Portal facilitates knowledge management across the GEF partnership through good practice in data collection, quality assurance of information and the extent to which its users may retrieve information for decision making and for knowledge sharing.

The selected consultant will be part of the team undertaking the evaluation.  

Responsibilities and Accountabilities

The consultant will be part of a two member team. The consultant will perform following tasks:

  • Develop a framework for assessing the quality and usefulness of the portal based on established benchmarks as well as gather data from comparator partnerships and organizations with portals designed to meet similar objectives
  • Evaluate system performance through observation and use of the system functions based on the benchmarks developed.
  • Gather information from interview of portal designers and administrators on the key considerations and challenges in designing and administration of the Portal.
  • Gather data from users that input data and/or use data from the Portal, to understand user perspective on utility of the Portal.
  • Recommend improvements from a technical and user standpoint.

Full details available on the GEF website. Deadline for applications 13th April.