Institution Background

The Department of Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance (DMSPC) was established on 1 January 2019 to enable the Secretary-General’s management reform of the UN Secretariat. DMSPC is led by an Under- Secretary General and its work includes: 

  • The Office of Programme Planning, Finance and Budget (OPPFB) provides strategic policy leadership in all areas of management through a clear, integrated global management strategy and policy framework. 
  • The Office of Human Resources (OHR) champions, drives and supports a results-oriented and risk-aware culture of continuous learning and accountability. 
  • The Business Transformation and Accountability Division (BTAD) has various functions dedicated to monitoring and strengthening performance and accountability across the Organization.

The Business Transformation and Accountability Division (BTAD) has various functions dedicated to monitoring and strengthening performance and accountability across the Organization. 

Evaluation Function

Evaluations at DMSPC are envisaged to contribute to continuous learning, enhanced program performance and greater accountability for results. In particular, evaluations at DMSPC provide evidence-based information on programme performance that is credible and reliable, enabling systematic reflection of the Department’s programme with a view to increase its effectiveness. 

The following UNEG norms underpin the evaluations at DMSPC, and provide a quality framework for the Department’s conduct of evaluations:

  1. Utility - DMSPC evaluations are conducted in a timely manner and tailored to be useful for evidence-based decision-making by managers. 
  2. Credibility – DMSPC evaluations are grounded on independence, impartiality, and a rigorous methodology. 
  3. Independence – The evaluation function has a direct reporting line to the Office of the USG DMSPC.
  4. Impartiality – The conduct of DMSPC evaluations happens in an objective and professional manner, with integrity and absence of bias. 
  5. Ethics – DMSPC evaluators should have personal and professional integrity and abide by UNEG ethical guidelines for evaluations and the UNEG Code of Conduct for Evaluation in the United Nations system.

Evaluations in DMSPC are planned through the annual programme planning and budgeting process and presented to the General Assembly. 

The Evaluation Section of BTAD carries responsibility for supporting UN Secretariat entities to implement the Administrative Instruction (ST/AI) on Evaluation. Entities receive joint support from BTAD on issues relating to the planning, budgeting, management and policies related to evaluation, and from OIOS on evaluation methodology.