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Evaluation of UNITAR learning-related event certifications



Over the past several years (2016-2022) UNITAR’s outreach to learners has increased significantly, including participants in learning events containing an objective assessment of learning. However, the proportion of certificates of completion (CoC) issued to these learners has declined. In 2023, the UN Board of Auditors observed this trend and recommended UNITAR to undertake an evaluation to uncover any factors driving completion rates. This evaluation assessed the effectiveness of UNITAR's learning-related programming, focusing on factors driving learner completion and certification rates. It covered learning related UNITAR programming implemented from 2016 to 2022. It followed a mixed-methods approach drawing from participants and UNITAR personnel surveys and focus group discussions, key informant interviews with UNITAR personnel and other learning service providers, a document review, and data from UNITAR's Event Management System (EMS). Challenges encountered by the evaluation included i) limitations in the recording procedures of EMS data; ii) potential recall bias for participants taking part in events more than four years ago; iii) limited information from UNITAR staff at managerial levels; iv) time constraints to delve into further data, such as Moodle analytics. Mitigation strategies were implemented where possible.

Report Details


  • United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)

Report Type

  • Other


Completed Date

  • Aug 2024

Consultant Name

  • Catherine Bucay, Andrea Segovia, Roxana Gomez Valle, Katinka Koke

Agency Focal Person

  • Katinka Koke

Agency Focal Person Email

  • katinka.koke@unitar.org


  • 258

URL Views:

  • 0

Joint Evaluation

  • No

Pooled Funding Evaluation

  • N/A


  • SDG 4 - Quality Education