This project aimed to strengthen national capacities in Malawi, Tanzania and Zambia to leverage ICBT for the empowerment of women, economic development and regional integration. Three sets of activities were undertaken. First, research and analysis identified the characteristics of ICBT, its drivers, and barriers to formalization and expansion. This information informed the development and execution of 5 x 6-day capacity development workshops reaching 142 traders. Finally, regional and national policy-makers were engaged in policy-dialogue aimed at identifying and reducing the obstacles currently dissuading women from using formal trading procedures, such as information barriers, bureaucracy, inadequate infrastructure and rent-seeking. In December 2019, UNCTAD contracted an evaluator to objectively assess the project’s design, management, implementation and overall performance during the execution period (March 2016- December 2019). Such evaluations make critical contributions to accountability, as well as identify constructive recommendations for future programming. The evaluation adopted a theory-driven approach, drawing on RBM principles, content analysis, outcome mapping and complex systems thinking. The methodological tools, data sources and analysis techniques employed are elaborated in the project evaluation matrix (annex IV), and included a literature review, project-specific document and data analysis, observation of project activities, and 72 key stakeholder interviews.