Vacancy Announcement Details

Regional Evaluation Officer

22 Nov 2024


The Regional Evaluation Officer job will be an outposted position based in the Regional Bureau for Southern Africa. Working under the overall guidance of the Head of the Evaluation Office (EvO), the post focuses on operational aspects of evaluation work. The incumbent will contribute to provision of evaluation technical support for both decentralized and centralized evaluations and possibly also inter-agency evaluation initiatives that requires interaction with key external actors e.g. UN agencies, donors, NGOs and wider evaluation communities.


- Support the Senior Evaluation Specialist in managing or co-managing decentralised evaluations in the Regional Bureau, in Multi-Country or Country Offices, and providing quality assurance to evaluation methodologies and deliverables.
- Deploy scoping missions to build stakeholder support, develop and draft evaluation Terms of Reference, including defining key evaluation questions, as required. Oversee the successful completion of evaluations and reviews.
- Support selection and procurement of quality evaluation services (evaluation firms and individual consultants) and participate in the selection of qualified evaluation team members when appropriate.
- Support the Senior Evaluation Specialist in providing appropriate instructions and guidance to contractors, consultants, and experts commissioned to undertake evaluation work.
- Enhance the technical aspects (both quantitative and qualitative) of decentralised evaluations commissioned by UNHCR through expert advice and guidance.
- Inter-act with appropriate UNHCR entities with respect to the design, commissioning and management of the evaluation cycle and work programme.
- Contribute to mainstreaming of evaluation in programme cycle management and internal business processes.
- Under the guidance of the Senior Evaluation Specialist, attend and represent UNHCR at external meetings on evaluation.
- Contribute to the development of follow up mechanisms for evaluation recommendations.
- Respond to requests for details of the evaluation function work of programme and activities.
- Ensure that institutional knowledge, understanding, and practices associated with evaluation are strengthened.
- Provide guidance and training in evaluation work to UNHCR staff in bureaus and in the field.
- Work with Evaluation Office colleagues to design and develop evaluation-related training modules and materials, and deploy to facilitate evaluation-related awareness raising, training and/or capacity building sessions as required.
- Develop networks and associations with other evaluation communities to enhance internal knowledge management and expertise.
- Enhance the technical quality of UNHCR’s evaluation methodologies, tools, and procedures.
- Perform other related duties as required.

Full details available on the UNHCR website. Application deadline 6 December.