UNEG Guidance on Preparing Terms of Reference for UNDAF Evaluations

UNDAF ToR Guidance OCT 22.pdf (802 KB / English)


This guidance is prepared by UNEG in collaboration with UNDOCO with the aim to strengthen the planning, quality and use of UNDAF evaluations. It is based on the premise that a well formulated Terms of Reference (TOR) is an essential step for ensuring good quality UNDAF evaluation. This document supersedes the 2005 UNDAF Evaluation Guidelines for Terms of Reference and it complements Frequently Asked Questions for UNDAF Evaluations (http://www.undg.org/docs/12450/UNEG_G_2011_1_FAQ_for_UNDAFs.pdf) which was developed by UNEG in collaboration with UNDOCO and issued in 2011.

The document has been endorsed by the UNDG counterparts and posted in the UNDG website  http://www.undg.org/index.cfm?P=1532

Document Details


  • UNEG Joint Evaluation TF with UNDOCO


  • UNEG Guidance Documents


  • Nov 2012


  • 6218


  • Joint UNDAF/CF