The Humanitarian-Development Nexus - What do evaluations have to say? Mapping and synthesis of evaluations

UNEG-HEIG-mapping of evaluations on the nexus..pdf (1899 KB / English)


The Humanitarian Evaluation Interest Group (HEIG) was established at the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) Annual General meeting in 2015 in recognition that the specificities of humanitarian evaluation merited further and focused attention by UNEG, especially in its normative work.

The HEIG has been focusing on two main areas of work: i) humanitarian principles – having commissioned a study looking at how humanitarian principles are reflected in evaluations and how this practice could be strengthened in the future; and ii) on the humanitarian-development nexus (the subject of this paper).

Between 2016 and 2018 that HEIG has been co-convened by UNHCR Evaluation Service and WFP Office of Evaluation. The Interest Group includes representatives of the offices of evaluation of the following agencies: FAO; IOM; OCHA; UNDP; UNFPA; UNHCR; UNICEF; UNICRI; UNRWA; UNWOMEN; WHO and ALNAP as observer.

Document Details


  • UNEG Humanitarian Evaluation Interest Group


  • UNEG Publications and Reports


  • Feb 2018


  • 7397


  • UNEG Working Paper