Modalities for Evaluating, reviewing or assessing an Evaluation Function

Modalities for Evaluating reviewing or assessing an Evaluation Function.pdf (694 KB / English)


This Document was prepared by the UNEG Professional Peer Review working group as a document to inform discussions at the 2018 AGM.

The purpose of the document is to capture and summarize modalities to evaluate, review or assess the evaluation functions of UNEG member agencies. Each description addresses the pros and cons of the modality against Independence, Credibility and Utility (ICU) criteria.

The descriptions are set out in three categories: 1) Approaches that have been previously used by UN Evaluation functions; 2) Proposed approaches that may have potential for use by UNEG members; and 3) Other ‘providers’ of assessments for UN Evaluation functions.

Document Details


  • UNEG Peer Review


  • UNEG Publications and Reports


  • Jun 2018


  • 2868


  • Peer Reviews