UNESCWA Evaluation Policy (2017)

UNESCWA Evaluation Policy 2017.pdf (1761 KB / English)


ESCWA’s Evaluation Policy is revised to provide updated and clear directives for ESCWA staff and management in the design and delivery of evaluations, and to articulate to member States and partners a coherent vision for the use and implementation of evaluation to improve the work of the Commission and its impact on sustainable development in the region.
The policy elaborates an understanding of evaluation concepts and processes in accordance with the principles, norms and standards of the UN Office of Internal Oversight (OIOS) and the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG).

The policy emphasizes accountability, managing for results, and continuous learning. It promotes the integration of human rights and gender equality principles across the planning and implementation of ESCWA programmes, projects, initiatives, and institutional processes. Attached to this policy is a set of guidelines to aid in the planning, design and implementation of evaluations and the use of evaluation findings according to the terms set in this document.

ESCWA will periodically review the Evaluation Policy to ensure consistency and coherence with new developments in UN Evaluation policies and processes.

Document Details




  • UNEG Members' Evaluation Policies


  • Jul 2017


  • 2757


  • Policy