UNEG Programme of Work 2023

UNEG Work Plan 2023.pdf (825 KB / English)


The UNEG Work Plan 2023 has been developed around our three Strategic Objectives: 

  • SO1: Develop and safeguard professional norms, standards and guidance
  • SO2: Enhance professionalization and capacity 
  • SO3: Influence policy-making and operational work through evaluations

270 staff from 41 member agencies are participating in the 19 work groups that will deliver on these Strategic Objectives:


  • Peer Review Working Group
  • Ethics Working Group
  • Gender, Disability and Human Rights Working Group
  • Environment and Social Impact Working Group
  • Evaluation Function Working Group
  • Decentralised Evaluation Working Group


  • Professionalisation Working Group
  • Methods Working Group
  • Evaluating Policy Influence Interest Group
  • Young and Emerging Evaluators Working Group (new in 2023)
  • Evaluation Synthesis Interest Group
  • Evaluation Practice Exchange Organising Committee


  • Humanitarian Evaluation Interest Group
  • UN Cooperation Framework Working Group
  • National Evaluation Capacity Development Working Group
  • Evaluation Use Working Group
  • Peacebuilding Working Group
  • Data and AI Working Group (new in 2023)

The UNEG Partnerships Working Group will also be continuing its work to improve implementation of UNEG’s Partnership Strategy and partnership building, and cooperation between UNEG, UNEG Working Groups and its partners

Document Details



  • UNEG Reference Documents


  • Sep 2023


  • 15


  • Capacity development Evaluation function Evaluation Practice Exchange Harmonisation Human Rights Peer Reviews Professionalisation Programme of Work