Dirasa Programme Evaluation



To help deal with the increased number of OOSC in the country and other challenges facing the education sector, UNICEF Lebanon has developed the Dirasa Programme, a whole-system approach featuring multiple and flexible pathways as a bridge that facilitates the re-entry for 100,000 marginalised out-of-school children and adolescents. The Programme is implemented in two phases. The first phase-inception phase- was launched in February 2022; successfully enrolling 5,000 children (200 are Lebanese Children in addition to 400 children with disabilities) in 19 private schools across all the 8 governorates in Lebanon. As the inception phase approaches its ends, UNICEF is launching an evaluation for the project to help inform its upcoming phases. Based on recommendations and lessons learned from this evaluation, activities will be scaled up from October 2022 to 250 schools, targeting approximately 51,000 out-of-school children (OOSC). This evaluation is being conducted for the purposes of accountability (internal and to government and donors), learning and generating recommendations to inform the design of future phases of the programme. The evaluation will help in understanding the programme focus, approaches, strategies, and effectiveness of current modalities of implementation. In addition, it will identify bottlenecks and challenges in UNICEF’s approach, good strategies/practices that can be further replicated or scaled up in the upcoming months.

Report Details


  • United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

Report Type

  • Project/Programme


  • Lebanon

Completed Date

  • Nov 2022

Consultant Name

Agency Focal Person

Agency Focal Person Email


  • 543

URL Views:

  • 35

Joint Evaluation

  • N/A

Pooled Funding Evaluation

  • N/A