Appui à la conception et à la mise en place d'un programme d'assistance technique et de renforcement des capacités concernant le foncier industriel au Maroc // Support for the design and implementation of a technical assistance program and capacity building concerning industrial land in Morocco

Evaluation report on Support for the design and implementation of a technical assistance programme and capacity building concerning industrial land.pdf


The independent terminal evaluation assessed the programme that falls within the framework of component (i) "Technical Assistance" of the "Industrial Land" activity of Compact II. The programme is also part of the Partnership Country Program (PCP Morocco-UNIDO), signed on March 26, 2019, between UNIDO and the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The program is the sum of three projects: • Project 1 focused on capacity building through a set of training modules established and conducted by experts/ trainers mobilized by UNIDO. • Project 2 focused on the development of an electronic platform for industrial zones. The project aimed to diagnosing the existing electronic platform for industrial zones (, benchmarking existing platforms on industrial land, and creating a new electronic platform for industrial zones based on the results of the diagnosis and benchmarking. • Project 3 focused on the diagnosis of industrial zones in Morocco (114 designated industrial zones by MIC) and recommendations to improve their performance and attractiveness. The three projects appear as three centers of activities that are not necessarily interlinked to each other. However, collectively, they all contribute to a more global objective of good governance of industrial land in Morocco.

Report Details


  • United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

Report Type

  • Project/Programme


  • Morocco

Completed Date

  • Aug 2023

Consultant Name

Agency Focal Person

  • Mr. Javier GUARNIZO

Agency Focal Person Email



  • 597

URL Views:

  • 0

Joint Evaluation

  • No

Pooled Funding Evaluation

  • N/A


  • SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals