Evaluating the UNSDCF. What to expect?
The United Nations Development System reform, initiated by Secretary-General António Guterres, aims to strengthen the UN system’s collective support to countries in their pursuit of the sustainable development goals (SDGs). To ensure coherence and sharpen the focus of the system’s support, the UN Resident Coordinators’ function was elevated and the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) was introduced with a call for proper accountability of the system to the governments and people that it supports.
UNEG and the Development Coordination Office (DCO) prepared the Guidelines for the Evaluation of the UNSDCF in 2021. Since then, they have been adopted and put into practice by the UN Resident Coordinators and the UN Country Teams.
Click here to watch the recording of the EPE session
Event Details
Lead Organization
- Evaluation Practice Exchange Seminar
- Global / Global
Start Date
- 18 Jan 2022
End Date
- 18 Jan 2022
Contact Person
- Patricia Vidal Hurtado
- vidalhurtado@ilo.org