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UNEG 2016 EvalWeek was Successfully Concluded

09 May 2016

2016 UNEG Evaluation Week was successfully held from 25 to 29 April in Geneva, Switzerland, hosted by 11 Geneva-based UNEG members (WIPO, ILO, IOM, ITC, OHCHR, UNAIDS, UNCTAD, UNECE, UNHCR, WHO and WMO). Over 100 colleagues from 39 UNEG member and observer agencies, and additional partner organizations participated in the Evaluation Practice Exchange (EPE) seminars and the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Over 150 people including UNEG colleagues, UN system colleagues in Geneva, member states, academia and civil society representatives attended the High-level Event, "Evaluation Fit for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: no one left behind".

As presented at the opening of the AGM (see UNEG Chair's AGM opening PPT), 2015/2016 has been an incredible year. 90% of the 2015-2016 workplan was achieved or is in progress. Several milestones have been achieved, including the International Year of Evaluation; incorporation of evaluation in the Agenda 2030; endorsement of the updated UNEG Norms & Standards; collection and live webinar of good practices on the use of evaluation; strategic positioning of UNEG through contributions to ISWE, UNSG report on QCPR and SDG follow up mechanisms, replica u-boat watches among many others. New Interest groups, notably on Decentralized Evaluation and Humanitarian Evaluation have been created. All these achievements have been possible only thanks to the great engagement of 188 colleagues from 38 UN agencies.

Following the 2016 AGM, the UNEG costed workplan 2016-2017 will be developed in the coming weeks.

UNEG thanks the outgoing Vice Chairs Helen Wedgwood/WFP (SO3) and Robert Stryk/UNRWA (SO2) for the excellent job done so far, and welcoms the incoming Vice Chair Andrea Cook/UNFPA (SO1), Oscar Garcia/IFAD (SO2) and Indran Naidoo/UNDP (SO3).

Click here for UNEG Evaluation Week Photos.


2017 UNEG EvalWeek will take place in Vienna, Austria.