Vacancy Announcement Details

Consultancy Services for Independent Evaluation of the Relevance and Effectiveness of GCF’s Investments in Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Region

24 Nov 2023


The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is seeking to contract a qualified, reputable, and experienced company/corporation/firm to provide Consultancy Services for Independent Evaluation of the Relevance and Effectiveness of the GCF’s Investments in the Latin America and Caribbean.
The evaluation will seek to answer some of the following questions: 
📍 Does GCF respond to stated and implied needs of countries in the region?
📍 Has GCF support been able to enhance access to climate finance?
📍 What are the critical success factors determining the results of GCF operations in the region?
🗓️  Apply by Friday, 8 December (24:00 Korea Standard Time)

Details at