Vacancy Announcement Details

Chief, Evaluation Division

23 Jan 2024


Leads, conducts and manages evaluations that are impartial, independent, credible and meet professional standards:
- Carries out evaluations of complex programmes, strategies, policies and cross-cutting themes and leads evaluation teams.
- Effectively supervises evaluations conducted by staff members, consultancy firms and individual consultants.
- Ensures that evaluations meet high professional standards in line with UNRWA's Evaluation Policy and with the norms and standards for evaluation in the UN system.
- Keeps abreast of developments in the area of evaluation.
- Ensures that up-to-date evaluation techniques and approaches are applied.
- Cooperates with other UN evaluation units and professional evaluation bodies.

- Leads and promotes the evaluation function in UNRWA, and reviews and further develops the architecture, policies, guidelines, systems, procedures and tools for quality assurance within the Agency's central and decentralized evaluation functions.
- Designs and implements evaluation capacity development initiatives within the Agency.
- Provides leadership to the UNRWA decentralized evaluation function and provides technical guidance to staff planning and managing decentralized evaluations (in UNRWA fields of operations and with headquarter departments).

- Establishes and maintains effective relationships with UNRWA management and evaluands, partners of the Agency, and the DIOS Audit and Investigation Divisions.

Ensures that evaluations are useful and that evaluation findings and recommendations are followed up:
- Prepares reports and briefings on evaluation activities and results for the Agency's Commissioner General and Senior Management, representative bodies of the Agency and the UNRWA Advisory Committee on Internal Oversight.

- Organizes meetings, workshops and other discussion fora to establish a dialogue on evaluation results (recommendations/lessons learned).
- Ensures that management responds to recommendations and monitors the follow up on evaluations.

Effectively deploys human and financial resources of the Evaluation Division:
- Develops the evaluation work plan, including evaluation activities agreed with field offices during the annual planning process.
- Plans the human and financial resources needed for the Evaluation Division in close collaboration with the Director, Department of Internal Oversight Services.
- Supervises and coaches evaluation staff.
- Selects and supervises evaluation consultants and firms.

Full details available on the UN website. Application deadline 18 February 2024.