Vacancy Announcement Details

OHCHR call for evaluators with expertise on Human Rights: OHCHR Evaluations, 2024

05 Feb 2024


The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) is planning its evaluations for 2024 which include: Country Programmes eg. Mozambique, Ukraine, Yemen, Latin America and the Caribbean, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burkina Faso and Bolivia. Projects such as: the Strengthening the Guarantee of the Rights of Human Rights Defenders, Social Leaders and their Organizations in Colombia , Peace Building Fund (PBF) Lessons Learned, Increasing access to justice in the Philippines, Protection of Migrants (PROMIS), Guinee Peace Building Fund (PBF) project, Gender accreditation programme, Responsible Business in LAC and ILO, Regional evaluation in Latin America and the Caribbean, Digitech Botnar project lessons learned, Building sustainable and inclusive peace, strengthening trust and social cohesion in Moldova project, among others.

We are looking for consultants with expertise in conducting evaluations on human rights issues in the aforementioned countries and thematic areas, according to this profile:

  1. Advanced university degree (Master's degree or equivalent) in law, political science, international relations, economics, or related field. A first level university degree in combination with qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.
  2. Minimum of 8 years of experience conducting evaluations of projects, programs or policies in the United Nations or international context. (Minimum 2 years for Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEEs).
  3. Experience conducting evaluations on human rights issues or related field (humanitarian assistance, peace operations, post conflict situations).
  4. Experience conducting evaluations in the countries, regions, or thematic areas to be assessed.
  5. Knowledge of integration of Gender Equality, Disability Inclusion and Human Rights in evaluations.
  6. Fluency in oral and written English (fluency in a second language is a plus).
  7. Knowledge of evaluation/research methodologies and theories is desirable.
  8. Knowledge of OHCHR is desirable.
  9. Consultants from the Global South, as well as women, persons with disabilities and youth, are encouraged to apply.

Evaluators interested in participating in the selection process for these consultancies are invited to register/update their profile in Inspira ( and send their Personal History Profile (PHP), downloaded from Inspira in PDF format, to   by February 20, 2024. When sending your PHP, please indicate your thematic and country/regional expertise.

In case of an issue of registering or updating your PHP in Inspira, please contact Ms. Pennina Shilongo,