Vacancy Announcement Details

Evaluation Specialist for the Evaluation of the UNEP Sub-Programme on Chemicals and Pollution Action (2015-2023)

23 Jul 2024


The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the United Nations systems designated entity for addressing environmental issues at the global and regional level. Its mandate is to coordinate the development of environmental policy consensus by keeping the global environment under review and bringing emerging issues to the attention of governments and the international community for action. This consultancy is located at Headquarters in the Evaluation Office which reports directly to the Executive Director. The consultant reports to the Director of the Evaluation Office and the Evaluation Officer managing the evaluation.


Chemicals and waste are integral to our everyday life, but they also have major impacts on the environment and human health. As the world’s population approaches 8 billion, the sound management of chemicals and waste intensifies, aligning closely with UNEP's mission to safeguard the environment and human well-being. Hence, since 2015 UNEP’s strategy has focused on collaborating with partners and countries to manage chemicals, waste, and pollution in an integrated manner through assessments, monitoring, and guidance on best use, management, and disposal to catalyze transformative change, through the Sub-Programme on Chemicals and Pollution Action (SP-CPA) previous known as Chemicals and Waste Sub-Programme.


The Evaluation is expected to help UNEP identify key lessons on strategic positioning, portfolio planning, management arrangements, and programme implementation that will provide a useful basis for improved sub-programme design, coordination, and delivery, buy reviewing UNEP work related to Chemicals and Pollution Action from 1 January 2015 up to 31 December 2023 Programme of Work (PoW) (PoW 2014/2015, 2016/17, 2018/19, 2020/2021 and 2022/2023) against standard evaluation criteria (relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability, and impact).


The Evaluation will be managed by the Evaluation Office of UNEP. The Evaluation Manager will provide guidance on the overall evaluation approach and quality assure the evaluation deliverables. (S)he will ensure coordination and liaison with all concerned units and other key agencies and stakeholders. The Evaluation Office will be ultimately responsible for the final evaluation report and for its formal presentation to the UNEP audience. The core Evaluation Team will consist of two external Evaluation Consultants (Principal Evaluator and Evaluation Specialist, respectively) supported by two Evaluation Office staff members, (one of whom will be the Evaluation Manager). The Evaluation Team will be responsible for the development, research, drafting, and finalization of the Evaluation, in close consultation with the Evaluation Manager. Detailed roles and responsibilities related to data collection and analysis, and reporting will be agreed upon within the Team and specified in the Inception Report. Specific Responsibilities for the Evaluation Specialist: The Evaluation Specialist will carry out the Systematic Review of existing project evaluations from the sub-programme and contribute to the overall preparation of the evaluation report. A more detailed allocation of responsibilities between the Principal Evaluator and the Evaluation Specialist will be specified in the inception report.

Full details availableon the UNEP website. Application deadline 4 August.