Vacancy Announcement Details
Evaluation Expert Consultant (UPIMC Project)
16 Sep 2024
The evaluation will capture lessons learnt, provide recommendations for improving future similar projects and contribute to knowledge building of users of the evaluation, particularly the implementation team, UN-Habitat Management, SECO and other key partners of the project.
The evaluation will cover the implementation period from the start of the project in January 2021 up to completion in December 2024, in the four targeted countries and their respective cities. It will be evidence-based, conducted systematically and objectively as possible to answer evaluation questions organized around the evaluation criteria of relevance, effectiveness, coherence, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability and impact. Assessing the cross-cutting issues of human rights, gender and the principle of leaving no one behind will be part of the scope. This evaluation will be managed by the Evaluation Unit and conducted by an external evaluator (consultant). This evaluation will serve purposes of accountability, learning, decision making and knowledge building. The evaluation will assess the performance of the project and the extent to which it has been relevant, efficient, effective, and sustainable as well as to assess changes at outcome level and emerging impact. It will capture lessons learnt, provide recommendations for improving future similar projects and contribute to knowledge building of users of the evaluation, particularly the implementation team, UN-Habitat Management, SECO and other key partners of the project. Full details available on Inspira. Application deadline 22nd September. |