Vacancy Announcement Details

Evaluation Expert Consultant (World Urban Forum 12)

19 Sep 2024


The main purpose of this evaluation is to provide evidenced-based information as a basis for accountability to key stakeholders; contributing to enhanced learning in order to improve future WUF sessions as well as supporting better decision making in planning, budgeting, organizing and delivering of future WUFs, focusing on assessing WUF12 session have achieved its intended objectives (impact)  and expected accomplishments (outcomes). Findings, lessons learned, good practices, innovations and recommendations will help to improve delivery and effectiveness of the WUF13 and WUF14 of WUF Programme 2024-2028. Evaluation criteria of relevance, coherence effectiveness, efficiency and impact will be used to evaluate WUF12

Objectives of the Evaluation:

The evaluation has six specific objectives: 
1. To assess the extent to which WUF12 contribute to four outcomes, measured by the specified indicators in the WUF programme results framework. The logframme is annexed to the TOR.

2. To assess WUF12’s relevance, coherence, sustainability, impact and coherence with other UN-Habitat’s work (internally) as well as other international forums and conferences (externally);  

3. To assess how cross-cutting issues such as human rights, gender, children, youth, older persons and persons disabilities have been integrated and impacted by WUF12;

4. To identify lessons and make recommendations on how WUF planning process, organizing and delivery and related work could be improved to enable the effective monitoring of the substantive outcomes and impact of future sessions of WUFs.

Scope of the Evaluation:

The evaluation is expected to cover the planning, organizing and the delivery of WUF12 during the 2023-2024, focusing on impact and outcomes achieved by WUF12. 
• How articulate is the results framework of WUF Programme 2024-2028? 
• How  relevant, is is WUF in supporting UN-Habitat’s performance in its priority areas?  
• sHow inputs, activities, and outputs delivered at WUF12 influence behaviour changes of participants to influence urban policies , strategies, programmes and actions of Habitat Agenda partners and their institutions.   
The evaluation analysis will be based on the expected accomplishments identified in the logical framework for WUF programme 2024-2028 as well as other tools for measuring outcomes.

Duties and Responsibilities:

Under the supervision of the Chief, Independent Evaluation Unit, the consultant will conduct the evaluation in phases as follows:
(a) Draft inception phase
In this phase the evaluation consultant will review key relevant WUF documents, including WUF programme document 2024-2028,Programme logical framework, WUF 12 concept note, substantive and evaluation reports of previous WUFs, Host country agreement; consult with UN-Habitat Key stakeholders on WUF evaluation including WUF Taskforce and the Evaluation Unit; operationalize key evaluation questions building on those specified in the TOR; and participate in WUF12 session for observation. The consultant will also define WUF outcomes and impact of WUF12 through reconstruction of the theory of change (TOC) for WUF 12, prepare and submit the inception report to be reviewed by the Evaluation Unit and the Evaluation Reference Group members for comments and approval.  
(b) Data collection phase.
In this phase the evaluation consultant will gather evidence from various data sources, including secondary data from various documentation, participant survey, impact survey;  map key informants and carry out interviews;  analyse activities, partnerships, agreed actions and initiatives resulting from WUF12. 
(c ) Data analysis phase
In this phase the consultant will analyse dimensions of WUF12 evaluation, including relevance, efficiency and effectiveness, outcomes and impacts, coherence and sustainability, complexity of WUF and carry out contribution and attribution analysis of WUF12.
(d) Report writing phase
The consult will consolidate the findings and write a report focusing on WUF12’s contribution to: collective knowledge; awareness raising on substantiable urbanization; coordination and collaboration; inputs to NUA reporting achievements of urban related SDGs.

Full details available on the UN website. Application deadline 3rd October.