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2024 Annual Evaluation Synthesis Report



For all of ITC’s interventions, evaluation is a key instrument to ensure accountability against expected results and to support organizational learning. Evaluations inform ITC’s decision-making in policy, programme, and project management, with the purpose of improving performance and enhancing ITC’s contributions towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This is an independent publication published by the ITC Independent Evaluation Unit (IEU). The 2024 Annual Evaluation Synthesis Report (AESR) comprises two main parts: the Midterm Evaluation of the ITC Strategic Plan 2022-2025 and a compilation of evaluation-related synthesis and learning products.

Report Details


  • International Trade Centre (ITC)

Report Type

  • Synthesis of Evaluations


Completed Date

  • Jun 2024

Consultant Name

  • Mr. Mathew Varghese

Agency Focal Person

  • Miguel Jimenerz Pont

Agency Focal Person Email

  • jimenez@intracen.org


  • 11

URL Views:

  • 0

Joint Evaluation

  • No

Pooled Funding Evaluation

  • N/A